Adult Hot Chocolate

With overnight temperatures dropping close to freezing, it's time to start enjoying some warm, evening beverages. Since any caffeine after about 4 PM will keep me up most of the night, my thoughts turn to hot chocolate. Fortified hot chocolate.

No fancy foam or whipped cream. No drizzle of chocolate syrup. Just chocolately goodness - with a bit of a kick.

The second most awesome aspect of this beverage is how easy it is to make!

 First pour a bit of each of these into large mugs.

Then pour the milk into a heavy pan and heat until nice and steamy. We used Silk Original Almond Milk. After making it the day before with sugar, we determined since we had inadvertently bought regular instead of unsweetened we would leave out the added sugar on the second go-round.

 This is the rest of the cast - cocoa powder, a little sea salt, and some natural vanilla. Our vanilla is in a jar because we make it ourselves and see no point in having a fancy bottle.

So, once the milk is nice and steamy, whisk in the vanilla, salt & cocoa. No pictures of this part because it goes so darn quickly. Once everything is whisked in, fill the mugs with cocoa. The pouring action does a nice job of mixing - no stirring required.

 Adult Hot Chocolate
 Pour into mug:
1/4 cup Bailey's Irish Cream
1/4 cup Coconut rum

In heavy sauce pan, heat up: 
2 cups regular almond milk

When milk is steaming, Whisk in:
 (1/4c sugar if you use unsweetened almond milk or other type of milk)
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
~3/4 teaspoon vanilla
Pinch sea salt

Fill mug with hot cocoa and enjoy!


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