Road Trip 2013 - Day 1

We love Road Trips! It is refreshing to go new places, meet new people, experience new...well...experiences. It has been a few years since we have had an opportunity to do a real road trip. We didn't expect to be able to fit one in this year, but Chuck has a couple of speaking engagements, so here we go!

Day One - we left Roswell at 7:15 AM, anticipating a travel time to Denver of about 8 - 9 hours (depending on stops and such). Well, it didn't quite work out as planned. We did take the route we had mapped out - through Santa Rosa then cut north to Las Vegas, NM. It was a nice drive, and we were able to avoid the freeway most of the way. We had an early lunch at
in Las Vegas, NM. They make their own tortillas (I cant indulge because of the gluten-thing, but they smell great)! We had green chile cheeseburgers (I brought my own bread along) and fries. The food was really good, the service excellent, and it's just a neat place to hang out for a while.

The trip went smoothly from there...until we got to Colorado Springs. I'd had a voicemail from my sister-in-law Bonnie that there was a fire north of the Springs, so we found a talk radio with a report of the Black Forest Fire. You could see the smoke plumes from quite a distance. Much of the area was under mandatory evacuation or pre-evacuation, which led to an increase in traffic. Plus there was the slowing from watching the C-130's and the helicopters fighting the fire. Oh, and there was construction. This combined to increase our travel time to nearly 11 1/2 hours.

We ended up getting off I-25 (we'd had enough of freeways for a while) and drove up on 105 then 85 before dodging over to Wadsworth to check into our hotel before going to meet with my brother Mark and his wife Bonnie for dinner.

We had a great meal and thoroughly enjoyed their company. After staying up way too late, we are ready to start Day 2. Chuck has a speaking engagement at a counselor seminar at Regis University, and then we will drive up to Ft. Collins to meet with some friends who work at CSU. Should be a great day!


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