So wanes the Garden...or does it?
I love our straw bale garden! OK, I love the asparagus/beet bed, too, but most of the action (including caterpillar plucking) goes on in the bales. This has been a very different year for several reasons... We brought in 40 bales and placed them all over the place Nearly all of our plants were started from seed (by us) We tried a lot of new things We have had a ridiculous amount of rain (15.3" as of 6 PM last night, and I don't think my sidewalk has dried out in a couple of weeks). Said rain has brought about prime conditions for tiger moths to breed...and boy howdy are they having an orgy this summer! So, without further adieu, here is the pictorial update of the garden (including our xeriscape garden), the good, the bad, the ugly, and the "Wow, that's awesome!" Behold the tiger moth! Producer of thousands of voracious caterpillars with an appetite for anything we plant (except tomatoes). Bale collapse! This bales are seriously listi...